Generations communicate

<< We are living longer and dancing longer. The older person is often marginalised, with the younger, athletic and muscular body blazoned everywhere, and we are told dance is only for the young. But the mature dancer brings something unique: a sea- soned and experienced body memory, a different aesthetic and energy, perhaps a deeper understanding of performance artistry >>
Body of Experience, Soma/Numa & UK Foundation of Dance

A fascination for the energetic, acrobatic and experimental movements of a young body combined with the fascination for the calmness and wisdom of an older body. The magic of the body itself, its strength and it endless, ageless creativity, as a container for human expression. The curiosity to let the movements speak by themselves. The communication with the body between two generations on the search for a common balance.

The goal of this research is to create a performance, in which old and young dancers perform together on stage, equally, professionally and in balance with and for each other. During the creation process different choreographic elements are explored to choreograph a harmonic, respectful and touching dance theatre performance.

Comments from the audience

<< The performance gave me hope and peace for the future. It was wonderful. Thank you! // NL: De voorstelling gaf mij hoop en vrede voor de toekomst- onder worden is prachtig- dank u wel! >>

<< Awesome! A beautiful harmony in the dancing together - playful, and everybody remained in his or her value. // NL: Geweldig! Een prachtige harmonie in het samendansen- speels en iedereen bleef in zijn of haar waarde. >>

Voices of the dancers

<< That was so wonderful. To notice and feel that they also liked it gave an extra nice feeling. Moreover, it was very surprising to work with the young dancers. They were so caring. // NL: Dat was zo heerlijk. Te merken en voelen dat zij het ook fijn vonden gaf een extra fijn gevoel. Bovendien was het erg verrassend om met de jonge dansers te werken. En zij waren zo zorgzaam. >>

<< This project was a very special experience. I was blown away by the authenticity of the older dancers, their openness and eagerness in the process. I am deeply inspired by all the beautiful moments of sharing stories, learning from their experiences, inviting them to join my dancing and feeling the connection and joy which was in the air. >>

Johanna Knefelkamp-Storath

Ronja White, Laura Saumweber, Maxime Kroot, Jan Zeeman, Sarah Bernhard, Henny de Wit, Zoe Vreugdewater, Mironne Gerritsen, Lotte Giezen, Anika Ziegler, Jannie van Evert, Nanna Jensen, Leny Idema- Simon, Marijke de Bruijn,
Hanny Heselaars, Eliott Marmouset, Hanny Engbersen- Geurts,
Edith Nagel- Ossendrijver, Wies Caron, Claasje Melchert- Willems,
Gerda de Bouwer, Jos Evers, Pim van Evert, Ria Ruessink-Buesink,
Jeanne Zondervan, Margreet Michielsen-Looge

Thomas Jaspers, Nicolai Fedder, Timo Schieber, Stephan Goldbach


6th April 2016
Theatre III, ArtEZ Arnhem


supported by


Siluetas de tinte morado


Phenomena of touch