Die Sache mit den Dingen
"I own roughly everything, or nothing at all" - Christine Schmitt
We all are surrounded by all kinds of objects. Always and everywhere. However, things mean something different to everyone. They are part of our everyday lives, souvenirs or even our identity.
"Die Sache mit den Dingen" explores the question of who owns the things we share the world with. What do we find beyond these things? And what remains in the end? A hat, a cup, an umbrella, a chair - the two dancers don't need much more to create a playful, poetic and humorous world. However, each is at home in her very own universe. Do things belong in a row or in a pile? And which is chaos or order? How can community and trust arise even though we all deal with things differently? What happens when we are so different and yet still together?
The dance theater shows a negotiation of territory and rights and embarks on a choreographic search for giving and taking. The audience becomes part of an adventure with longing melancholy, spirited confrontations and strange absurdities.
Artistic Direction and Performance
Laura Saumweber, Paula Niehoff
Florian Sonnleitner
Co-Regie & Dramaturgy
Martha Kröger
Marian Lenhard, Jakob Bahret
25min Performance
+ optional 30-60 min Workshop or after talk
11.Nov 2023 | Gasteig, FatCAT Munich
Further Dates
4/5.08.24 | Sommer an der Promenade, Bamberg
27.08.24 | Refugio Kunstwerkstatt
29.08.24 | Münchenstift Manzostraße
19.09.24 | Falsche Farm, Ebermannsdorf
Nov 24 | grenzen | los | tanzen München
Jan 24 | NRW Tour
supported by
Gefördert durch den Verband freie Darstellende Künste Bayern e.V. im Rahmen der Wiederaufnahmeförderung des „Förderpakets Freie Kunst 2023“ mit Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst.