The body will pay
<< When the head is in this mess,
You're not sure what to do.
You swallow everything that comes to hand.
The body is what stays, it is falling without resisting. >>
António Variações
There is only one thing sure in this world and that is the cycle from life to death. Until the very last point, each person has a period of time to build, construct, create, invent, learn, fail and modify hers or his identity- in its physical and emotional state. The timeline is a chain of events that is constantly influenced by all the choices, decisions and happenings that each individual takes, by its conscious and unconscious thinking and way of being. In the end, all what is left is the body: a living accumulation of scars, memories and patterns that went through mutations and metamorphoses according to the time and the space where the body manifested life.
Inspired by the text and lyrics of the song “O corpo é que paga” from the Portuguese singer and songwriter Antonio Variações, this piece is an approach to research the dialogue between the mind and the body, their development during time and how both need each other to create a unique identity and legacy. It looks for the different roles that the counterparts can embody in this dualistic environment. How are both important to survival and how are they shaping the process in order to continue life after death?
Supported by
Hier=Jetzt Festival, Ballettschule Daniela Orend
Concept and performance
Laura Saumweber, João Santiago
Choreographic advice
Marie Johanna Richter
5th May 2019
Schwere Reiter Theater, Hier=Jetzt Festival Munich